
Appalachian Blessings

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History Repeats Itself

CBS Sunday Morning just reran this piece from last December. If you've read The Finder of Forgotten Things, you'll recognize the mention of silicosis. It's now cropping up as a complicating factor in today's young miners with black lung. Sometimes history repeats...

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Out and About

Typically, I find myself doing writerly events close to the release of a new novel. But I actually have quite a few events staggered between now and the release of These Tangled Threads on April 2. Check 'em out and come see me! October 13, 2023 - Past Time Historical...

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That Country Roads Song

West Virginia has FOUR state songs. If that seems like a lot, Tennessee has something like a dozen. I've always sung "The West Virginia Hills," when entering my home state. It's been an official state song since 1963. But the song most people think of as our state...

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Ain’t Nature Grand??

I attempt a small garden most years. And by "garden" I mean that I tuck fruit and vegetable plants in the flower beds. Or I grow them in pots on the porch. At our last house I quickly learned not to grow anything a rabbit might like unless I just wanted to feed the...

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GetLit! in Hudson, NC, with Me

As the director of Jan Karon's Mitford Museum, I have the pleasure of putting on our annual fall literary weekend--GetLit! This year we're featuring Patti Callahan Henry, Mark Powell, Jan Karon, and MOI! Okay, so maybe I'm presenting because, well, I'm here anyway....

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The One with the BIG Smile

If you saw the photo of my second-grade class last week, I challenged you to point out which one was me. The folks who know me best were pretty quick to spot my SMILE. I've always been a big smiler. I joke that smiling is my spiritual gifting.       Hmmm. Maybe NOT a...

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Meet Sarah



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