Ain’t Nature Grand??

I attempt a small garden most years. And by “garden” I mean that I tuck fruit and vegetable plants in the flower beds. Or I grow them in pots on the porch. At our last house I quickly learned not to grow anything a rabbit might like unless I just wanted to...

Summer in Appalachia Means . . .

Summer in Appalachia has long meant supper from the garden for me. A platter piled high with buttery corn on the cob. Great slabs of brilliant red tomato. Green beans boiled with new potatoes. Kilt lettuce. Cucumbers and onions in apple cider vinegar. No one even...

Fourth of July Bean Supper

Back home in West Virginia there was always a bean supper at George and Lucille’s for the Fourth of July. George and Lucille were first cousins to my dad, and they had a little, white house up on the ridge above the church. Each year, Lucille would organize the event...

Home Sweet Home West Virginia

I just spent a wonderful weekend at home in WV visiting family and enjoying FABULOUS dinner at Fish Hawk Acres in Buckhannon, WV. There were rainbows two days out of three. Ahhh. My kind of vacation! My niece is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Home sweet...

Lean Times in Appalachia

It’s January. In case you hadn’t noticed. At the grocery store these days, I can buy strawberries and asparagus. This (along with an occasional warm day) supports my delusion that spring is just around the corner. My great-grandmother had no such luxury. The turn of...