
Out and About

Typically, I find myself doing writerly events close to the release of a new novel. But I actually have quite a few events staggered between now and the release of These Tangled Threads on April 2. Check ’em out and come see me! October 13, 2023 – Past...

GetLit! in Hudson, NC, with Me

As the director of Jan Karon’s Mitford Museum, I have the pleasure of putting on our annual fall literary weekend–GetLit! This year we’re featuring Patti Callahan Henry, Mark Powell, Jan Karon, and MOI! Okay, so maybe I’m presenting because,...

Great Mention in Publishers Weekly

What an honor to be mentioned alongside some of my favorite authors in this piece that ran in Publisher’s Weekly today! Thanks Jeff! Seeing the Light on Religious Fiction (publishersweekly.com) Here’s a particularly nice snippet: If, indeed, the creation...

Spending Time with Writers

At The Mitford Museum, we hosted our first annual GetLit! this past weekend. While Hurricane Ian threatened to have a negative impact, the storm skirted us, and we had a great time. As a writer, there are few things more fun than hanging out with other writers....