Miracle in a Dry Season officially launches tomorrow. Yesterday, we had a book launch party at my church. And while nothing is perfect this side of heaven, it was just about as close as we could get.
In Appalachian Serenade Delilah realizes that family is something deeper than blood kin. My FAMILY gathered around yesterday evening and we had a celebration. There was church family, work family, neighborhood family, friends family, family family–and it’s one of those times when I felt love wrapped all around me like a soft blanket on a cold night.
How to express my gratitude? My husband who helped plan, set-up, clean-up, and gave me the best introduction ever. My Bible study girls who helped serve food and sell books and stayed late to wrap up all the leftovers. My family who drove from West Virginia and South Carolina to be with me and support me. All those friends who chose to spend an evening eating beans and cornbread and listening to bluegrass music in celebration of a mere novel. And YOU–all you readers who use your precious time to read the words I’ve written down.
All I can say, is “thank you.” It doesn’t seem like enough. I think I have an idea how David felt when he wrote Psalm 136. It starts:
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever.”
And it goes right on through to verse 26:
“Give thanks to the God of heaven.
His love endures forever.”
Love endures forever. It was such a good book launch party because love was there. Thank you all for your love.
Family gatherings mean a lot to me. Glad you had a fabulous time. God gave you a talent which you are passing on to us from your works. We appreciate you. Blessings to you and your family and friends.
Family–of all sorts–is the best. Glad you’re in my reader family!
I’m glad it went so well. Barbara said it was outstanding. I’m so sorry I missed it.
You were missed–we’ll do it again next summer and I’ll expect you to DANCE!
Congrats, Sarah!! Looking forward to reading “Miracle in a Dry Season”!!
Hope you enjoy it!
We are so sorry we couldn’t be there for the launch! Looking forward to reading the rest of the first book, and we’re talking it up to friends and to the local bookstores. Sales are the next hurdle, right? And lots and lots of readers. We miss seeing you at church when we were there, but hope the fellowship continues over the miles. Blessings–Buffy and Steve
We miss you two as well–but we’re in each others’ hearts, so it’s almost as good!
Sarah, the launch sounds wonderful! You are such a gracious, beautiful young woman. I know that the work of your heart and hands will touch many with the love of God. Bless you!
Thank you, Nan!
I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks–I know you are!
Congratulations, Sarah. I can imagine your beautiful smile beaming and lighting up the whole room. Sending writer-love your way! I wish I could have been there to help celebrate. 🙂
Me too! So many of my writer friends are far-flung all over the US. Wish I could have flown everyone in!