TBRI was joking around with a librarian friend about how working a day job really cuts into my readerly and writerly activities. A regular job means I have less time to read, write, go to conferences, and just hang out with friends talking about books!

She offered to write me a note to give to my boss if I need one. Which got me to thinking about how a librarian’s excuse might go . . .

  1. Please excuse Sarah from work. She recently completed a manuscript and will require full bed rest for at least 48 hours.
  2. Please extend Sarah’s daily lunch hour. Her well-being is dependent upon being able to read for at least two hours in the middle of every day.
  3. Sarah’s TBR pile has grown taller than her nightstand. Please provide her with an extra month of vacation in order to catch up.
  4. I have recently prescribed an annual writer’s conference in order to expose Sarah to others who suffer from the same malady she does. Please excuse her for the week of ______________.
  5. Sarah’s love of the written word is highly contagious. Make sure as many people as possible are exposed.

So, how about it–what would YOUR librarian’s note say?