
Miracle in a Dry SeasonMiracle in a Dry Season officially launches four weeks from tomorrow. When I first got the release date all those months ago, I imagined a sort of mass “unveiling” on Tuesday, August 5. Turns out that’s not quite how it works.
I already have a copy of my novel since the printing was moved up so we’d have copies to hand out at the International Christian Retail Show in Atlanta last month. I’ve not only held my book, but have signed and given away 240 copies. Copies people could very well be reading even now.
And, of course, the e-version releases July 29. And even the print copies releasing August 5 may be mailed a little early. So, Release Day is less of an official holiday than I had envisioned.
Which, I think, is just fine. I like to make a big deal of things. Sometimes to the point that the deal is bigger than the thing. And sometimes I end up disappointed because my big deal isn’t all that big to everyone else. God knows this about me.
So a release that’s kind of spread out, happening a bit here and a bit there, takes the pressure off. I can be excited about my novel entering the world from now until, well, I get tired of being excited about it. I can be excited handing out books in Atlanta and then take a break. I can be excited when my parents get the copies I sent them and then relax. I can be excited when my friends and family come to my launch party on August 3 and then just get on with life. I can be excited every time a new reader finds my book and lets me know something inside spoke to her heart.
I thought I wanted a BIG DAY when the book would be unveiled. But I like this better. It’s like getting little treats one after another rather than a single feast. And if one treat isn’t quite what I hoped? Hang on a minute, the next one could be utterly delicious.