If you talk about marketing these days, you talk about branding. I’ve done quite a bit of branding in my “real” jobs in public relations and marketing. But branding myself as an author? Yikes!
One of the elements of a brand can be (doesn’t have to be) a tagline. As you can see at the top of this page, I’ve been using “Everyday miracles happen every day.” I like it. My books are built around the miracles of Christ–walking on water, feeding the multitude and the catch of fish. (I haven’t come up with a book centered around turning water into wine, but I’ve had fun thinking about it!) So a tagline about miracles seemed natural. But my friend Cynthia Herron has got me thinking. She posted here about her own tagline and the process of boiling it down.
Cynthia’s design team pointed out that the tagline she wanted to use didn’t indicate that she’s an author. Hmmmm. Neither does mine! I think it’s kind of clever, but it doesn’t say anything about writing. Well.
So I’m asking for your opinion. First, do I need a tagline? And second, if I do, what should it be? Here are some examples:
Cynthia Herron – Heartfelt, Homespun Fiction
Mary DeMuth – Live Uncaged (she writes fiction and non-fiction as well as mentoring)
Susan Meissner – Fiction for the restless reader
Maureen Lang – Engaging the mind. Renewing the soul.
Katie Ganshert – Writing Faith and Romance
Sock it to me, folks! Remember, when brainstorming, no idea is a bad idea!
Sarah Anne Loudin Thomas
Writing Fiction about Everyday miracles
that happen every day.
Thanks for getting the author bit in there!
I love the idea of a tag line. I, too, have a background in public relations and marketing — as well as on staff for newspapers and magazines — and a tag line does say more about who we are. For example, I’m working on new business cards for my freelance writing business: “The Write Words.” The tag line is: “Clear. Concise. Compelling.” I’m hoping that gives clients a better idea of what I offer. I think any blog or website should consider a tag line as a viable way of telling — and selling — who we are as writers. 🙂
I love alliteration! And I think that series of words is perfect for capturing what you offer as a freelance writer. Nice!
Sarah, how kind of you to link to my blog post. I’m humbled. I know you’ll come up with a tagline that’s uniquely you.
Thanks, Cynthia!
I really like your tagline Sarah, even without the writer/author attached. Personally I don’t have a tagline and I don’t really think readers remember them or pay much attention to them unless they’re very catchy or memorable. Sometimes the best source for help in creating taglines are your readers or other authors who read your work. A dear author friend of mine told me not long ago what my tagline should be – “A Symphony of Words” – which feedback from my readers seems to validate. But it sounds a bit grand to me and some might disagree altogether:) But I do think it says something about my writing. Since you don’t have a reading audience yet maybe a CP or other readers could tell you what they think. But I believe you have a really good one as is!
Yes, you remind me that I don’t HAVE to have a tagline. Many authors don’t. The critique group I’m in now is fledgling, but I’m confident that as we get further into our sharing they’ll have some good advice.
And you DO write a symphony of words!
Your Dad says: “Sarah: Simply Soulful”
I like that!!