Divine MomentsI’m blessed to have a lovely group of writing friends here in Western North Carolina. We get together periodically to eat, laugh, and talk all things writing (and men, and children, and LIFE). Not long ago, our fearless leader Yvonne Lehman came to us with the idea of a collection of “miracle” stories. The result was a sweet, little book titled Divine Moments.
You can read the whole story straight from Yvonne HERE.
I’m proud to have an essay included along with many writers I admire. It just released May 1 and all the proceeds from its sale will go to Samaritan’s Purse. What a pleasure to come together with other writers to celebrate those moments when we clearly see God stepping into our lives. I hope you’ll check it out!
BACK COVER – It began late one evening at a writers’ conference when published and aspiring authors were relaxing together at the end of a long day. First one, then another, and others shared accounts of how God had shown up in their lives in remarkable, inexplicable, and often, unexpected ways. Their stories are our stories. You’ll be encouraged, fascinated, and blessed by these true narratives. Some are sweet, some humorous, others serious. All are wondrous and inspiring. They remind us we all experience Divine Moments – God’s presence in the world and his personal, direct involvement in our lives.