Last Monday I offered an audio version of The Right Kind of Fool as a prize for someone who signed up for my newsletter as of midnight last night. And the winner is . . . Dorothea C.! I’ll be emailing her the link to the audio book shortly. Thanks to everyone who signed up–there will be more opportunities for goodies down the road!

Then, last Thursday, I held the “official” launch event for this latest story and was blessed to be joined by Lisa Wingate for a writerly conversation. If you weren’t able to join us, here’s the link to the recording. We’re disappointed that Zoom didn’t record our amazing sign language interpreter–Ashleigh Krivulka–signing every word of the evening but we’re so grateful she could join us!

We also had two giveaways during the event–viewers guessed the sign Ashleigh taught Lisa and I and they shared their favorite era to read about in fiction. The winners of signed copies of The Right Kind of Fool are: Cyndi M. and Linda J.

Then, just for fun, we chose a third winner at random to receive a copy of The Christmas Heirloom, a novella collection I participated in with Karen Witemeyer, Kristi Ann Hunter, and Becky Wade. That one goes to Katie A. just in time for the holidays!

Congratulations everyone!