
Oswald Chambers“Have you been asking God what He is going to do? He will never tell you. God does not tell you what He is going to do; He reveals to you Who He is.”   -Oswald Chambers
I love to know what the plan is. I love to sketch out the big picture. I’m not married to the plan–I’m good with being flexible. I just want to know what we think is going to happen. And one of my favorite exercises is interpreting what God has done already so that I can anticipate what he is about to do next.
Because I want to know.
I went to my first conference and met with three editors who each asked me to send them a proposal. Clearly God meant for one of them to publish my novel. I went to my second conference and met with two agents–both of whom asked me to send them a proposal. Clearly, God wanted me to get an agent before an editor. I waited for the offer I knew was coming.
Well, I got an agent, but not through a conference. And I got an editor, but in a way that showed it had very little to do with me. I’m off to another conference in September. I haven’t the foggiest notion what God means to do. I won’t be going to schmooze agents or editors–although I’ll finally get to meet mine. All I have on my to-do list is meet people and learn stuff.
I’m tempted to ask God what He’ll do at this conference. I mean, it could be really, really exciting! I’d love to anticipate the awesome, amazing, super cool thing I just know he’s going to do. But even my wildly creative brain can’t come up with anything more exciting than what has happened already.
And I think that’s good. I think that’s right where God wants me–you–all of us–to be. He wants us anticipating NOT what He’s about to do, but rather what He’s about to demonstrate. How He’s about to reveal another little piece of Himself–a slice of God that will leave us in awe of HIM.
Until I read Oswald Chambers quote I thought I just needed to ask God in the right way to get Him to tell me what He was up to. I mean, it would be SO easy for Him to fill me in. And it would. But that’s not how He works. Because it’s not about me. It’s about him.
Oh, yeah. I like to forget that one. Can’t wait to see how He’s going to reveal Himself in a way I never could have anticipated. Seriously, what could be better?