
I was reading another blog yesterday that touched on favorite books from childhood. I was what you might call an avid reader when I was a kid. Bombs could explode, tornadoes could strike, my brother could pester me and my focus would be entirely on the book at hand. I remember emerging from the world between two covers and finding the world I lived a suddenly unfamiliar place. Today kids seem to all have Attention Deficit Disorder. I had Attention Surplus Disorder when it came to reading.
I still occasionally reread some of those childhood favorites: Heidi (still have the copy Mom and I read together), Little House on the Prairie (wore those out), the Narnia books. Not only are those books still wonderful, they also carry me back to a childhood that was, frankly, pretty idyllic. It’s nice to remember.
I still waste away with Heidi in the big house in Frankfurt. I still rejoice with Laura when the barrel of provisions come on the train when the family has nothing but potatoes to eat. I still wish for an attic that connects with other worlds where Aslan roams.
Q4U- What books do you still love from your childhood? What do they evoke?