
Flowers GE DIGITAL CAMERA GE DIGITAL CAMERA GE DIGITAL CAMERAWhile fall has long been my favorite time of year, spring comes in a close second. I do my best novel plotting whilst walking in the woods and April-May-June provide an ever-changing palette of flowers for inspiration.
Mountain laurel, lady’s slippers, wild geranium, and showy orchis are just a few of the gems I see on my daily hikes. Back home in the yard there are climbing roses, peonies, irises, and now the mock orange. Daisies, coltsfoot, buttercups, bowman’s root, and other weedy flowers fill the ditches and fields.
And, just to remind me that it’s extra good to be alive, there’s multiflora rose and honeysuckle perfuming the very air wafting in through my open windows.
My books are about the miraculous and how we’re surrounded by miracles every day of our lives. Some days it’s hard to see the miracles. And then, on a spring morning or evening or afternoon, when the beauty is almost overwhelming, it’s hard not to see them.