My Kindle is dead. And it’s outside the warranty. I can’t complain TOO much because I have USED this thing. I mean, some of the letters are worn off the little keyboard at the bottom. I once scorned e-readers and now I’ve worn one slap out.
Amazon will give me a reduced rate on replacing my first generation or so Kindle with a regular Kindle, a Kindle Touch, or a Kindle Touch 3G. But is that the route I should go? Or should I go ahead and upgrade to a Kindle Fire? Or maybe even an iPad? Ooooh, the technological possibilities . . .
So weigh in folks–what would you recommend? My only qualifier is that I be able to retain my Kindle content (so Nook is out). Thanks!
Well. How big is the bag you carry the Kindle in? And how much room do you see yourself needing for an increasingly big book collection? AND do you use your phone to text alot? Combine those needs and see which is the best option. I know, I am being practical. Who knew?!
Texting. Ha! My goal in life is to rarely, if ever, text. Good, practical thoughts!
I have a regular Kindle, so I can’t give you any advice. Mine is starting to fade, too, so hopefully I’ll be able to upgrade one day soon! Let me know what you decide and if you like it!!!
Will do!
I don’t want to read books on a back-lit screen. And I like my Kindle as a device that is ONLY a book. No distractions.
Oh, Jamie. You’re right. I WOULD be distracted . . . hadn’t thought of it that way.
Sorry for your loss (but better you than me!) 😉
I know several people who love their Kendle Fire
Who knew they’d wear out?
After one of my dogs ate a cell phone, I figured I’d best stick with paper books. They can only eat one of those at a time, not a whole library!
Wish I could help, but I hope I at least gave you a smile
Thistle has eaten many a thing she shouldn’t–but nothing too technological thank goodness!
I had a Kindle keyboard that died and at first I replaced it with a Kindle Fire. However, I found that I was not using the video or email features and it was a bit heavy b/c of those added items. I switched to a Kindle Paperwhite, which I LOVE. It has the built-in lights (front LED lights) and is light-weight.
Now that sounds right! I’ve wished on more than one occaision for lights . . .