LewisAfter finishing Becoming Mrs. Lewis by Patti Callahan I don’t want to start reading another book.

That’s the greatest compliment I can pay a story. I just want to savor this gorgeous novel and starting anything else will dilute it in my memory. Which means I’ll eventually have to read it again.

I’ve long admired C.S. Lewis. Mere Christianity is an exceptional outline for the Christian faith and a book I dip into often. The Chronicles of Narnia are some of the most satisfying stories I’ve ever read. To this day.

But I mostly thought of Mr. Lewis as a brilliant mind and not as a flesh and blood man. Reading about his relationship with Joy Davidman has changed that forever. I knew he’d married a brash American, but there’s SO much more to the story. And Joy had such an impact on his ideas (plus she was an amazing poet).

Instead of starting another novel I’m picking up Lewis’ books and reading them through the lens of the divorced American who taught him how to love. A Grief Observed is breaking my heart. The Four Loves is offering insight into how and who I love. I’m eager to read Til We Have Faces.

Callahan didn’t tell us a new story. She told us a TRUE story. And I’d venture to say much of the truth isn’t about how Jack and Joy loved one another, but in how God loves us all.

It’s a gorgeous book. Read it.