My favorite spring symphony. And yes, they DID stop peeping shortly after I stopped talking. Ornery little frogs.
Do you have spring peepers where you live?
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My favorite spring symphony. And yes, they DID stop peeping shortly after I stopped talking. Ornery little frogs.
Do you have spring peepers where you live?
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Sarah, I loved hearing your voice. ❤ Your expression was the cutest thing when they stopped. We have tree frogs that start singing in the evening. We will find them stuck on our house windows sometimes. Is that the same thing? Maybe a little different?
same thing I’m told
I think they’re different . . . but related! Peepers are so TINY you can’t find them. And believe me, I’ve tried.
Aww, that tiny. I knew they sounded different. I haven’t heard our tree frogs yet … I’m waiting. 🙂
you know we have them here. Heard them several times last month during the warm spell; then had not heard them again till last night. A favorite expression when they are heard very early in the spring is “them peepers gonna be looking up through the glass (ice!)”
Oh, I like that!
BTW: they start and stop peeping based on the temperature fluxuations.
That’s what I was thinking. They started up again once it cooled off more that evening.
In Florida, we don’t have peepers. We have cicadas, and frogs at night. Florida cicadas sound: I hear these so much I don’t hear them, you know? It’s almost constant during hot nights. We do have a LOT of crickets and froggies: Hey, ha ha ha, here’s the tree frog in action: When we have northerner visitors, they get irritated at all the night sounds. 🙂
I know what you mean about not hearing them anymore! And then, some nights, I think I hear them and it’s only my imagination! Love the links to other night sounds . . .
Robins trilling is the sign I look for as spring truly arriving. Jeepers creepers those peepers are keepers though.
We had an influx of EARLY robins in February, but I think they scooted back to warmer climes!
We probably aren’t warmer, but we are certainly appreciative.