I think we’re all looking for good news these days. A hint of a silver lining in the midst of all the craziness in the world. And I think I’ve found one!

Growing up, we had a full-on summer garden. Potatoes, sugar peas, lettuces, corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, beans, and so on. We ate, we harvested, we canned, and we preserved. And while I don’t plant a vegetable garden anymore, I like to dabble.
A pot of herbs on the porch. Cherry tomatoes in the flower bed. Some sweet peas on a trellis. And this year, I had the notion to plant a few seed potatoes. I went on-line to order some (since the ones at the grocery store are neutered–a topic for another time!).
No potatoes. Only one kind of sweet pea remained. And the cucumber choices were slim. What’s up?
Turns out this pandemic business has been a boon for garden centers. People are planting gardens and snapping up any plant that produces food. Which I think is fantastic!! Not to mention the people buying up laying hens for backyard coops.
Now, I doubt people are planning to suddenly grow all their own food. Much less butcher their own chickens. But I find this turn hugely encouraging. I’ve been an advocate of locally grown, seasonal food for a long time. Asparagus in the spring. Peaches and blackberries in the summer. Acorn squash in the fall.
I’m not going to pretend that I’ll refuse some good looking okra in February. Or that I’ve never indulged in a blueberry from South America. But I do pay attention to where (and when) my produce is sourced and much prefer some spring greens picked right here in Western NC to a bag of pre-washed whatever from Florida or California.
So I’ll plant my peas on a trellis and make a hill for cucumbers between the cone flowers and the lilac. This spring, it almost feels like an act of solidarity with everyone else who’s trying their hand at growing something good to eat.
And what, after all, is more hopeful than planting a seed?
Love it – my family had big garden and my Mom and Grandmother spent all summer canning (before freezers but still canned most of stuff). All of this fed us all winter except when we butchered. Thanks for sharing.
Yeah, my grandmother even canned meat! Which totally makes sense but doesn’t sound all that tempting to my modern palette!
I still can chicken, because our local grocery has an annual sale on chicken quarters for 39 cents a pound. Thirty pounds (about $10 worth) gives me jars and jars of chicken meat, chicken broth, and chicken broth with the diced carrots, celery, and onions I use to give the broth flavor…which become casseroles, chicken salads, soups, chicken & dumplings, and on and on! Such a deal, and saves lots of time & trips to the grocery!
My grandmother canned meat, but I’ve never done it. You’re selling me on it, though! It would be so great to have chicken ready for all kinds of dishes!
Unfortunately, our yard barely gets enough constant sun to produce raspberries and strawberries. But they are appreciated!
Yes, the best garden spot for us is smack in the middle of the front yard. My husband won’t let me dig it up!
Our neighbor built a huge garage that totally shaded my garden. Good thing raspberries are hardy.