It’s done. After a week of fiddling and tweaking and perfecting, I’ve sent book proposals to editors at two publishing houses. Now the real waiting begins. And the trying not to check my e-mail every 15 minutes.
Q4U – What have you had to wait for recently? An appointment? A long line at the DMV? A phone call? Tell me about it.
I’m waiting for our vacation–the perfect demonstration of the elasticity of time! You wait forever for it to get here, and then it flies by so quickly and is over. Sorta like Christmas when you were a child!
I’m waiting for the weather to break! We have bragged that we don’t need A/C because there are only be a handful of days each summer that we need it… till this summer! The heat and humidity are wearing my patience very thin.
No break yet!! (in the weather that is…)