Today is the Winter Solstice–the shortest day of the year in terms of sunlight. Here in Asheville, NC, we have 9 hours and 45 minutes from sunrise to sunset. And, of course, work takes up most of those hours and minutes! It is, literally, the darkest day of the year.
John 1:5 – The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcomeit.
Next Tuesday we celebrate the arrival of Jesus–the Word, the light of the world. I know scholars have shown that Jesus was probably born in June, not December. I know that Christmas is something Christians adapted from pagan rites and rituals. But how appropriate. How perfect that we have brought the Light into the darkest day of the year.
John 1:9 – The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.
So on this, cold, snowy, blustery day I have just one question for you. How will YOU bring Light into this day?
Jean is delivering fruit baskets to shut-ins and I am practicing “random (maybe not so random…) acts of kindness.”
Now that sounds right!
At our friend’s in Talkeetna Alaska today is 5 hrs and 27 min from sunrise to sunset!