Man, who knew we could have such strong opinions about toilet paper and washing our hands? And boy howdy, we’re sharing those opinions. And I think it’s safe to say we’re all a little cranky right now.
On Sunday, I took a sneezing fit. Which, thankfully, is NOT a symptom of Covid-19. It is, however, a symptom of something else . . . are you ready?
It’s a symptom of SPRING!

Which is GREAT news on several fronts. First, warm weather will allegedly knock this virus back. It’s less a fan of heat and humidity than I am. Second, it’s SPRING! And who doesn’t love spring?
So, I took a dose of the best medicine there is for crankiness. Thistle and I went for a walk and picked some flowers. Here’s what’s blooming in my neighborhood:
- Weeping cherry
- Trout lilies
- Daffodils
- Flowering quince
- Hyacinths (they took over from the crocuses)
- Lenten roses
- Forsythia
- Violets
- Dandelions and several other weedy blooming things . . .
And voila. I feel MUCH better.
Love picture of the flowers. We need all the cheer we can find.
Perfect response to present situation..
We’re doing our best! Hope y’all are doing good down Charlotte-way.
Oh, how I would love to see some flowers! We just had a freaky wind snowstorm over the weekend down to 19 degrees. Monday it’s 50! Yup, that’s our spring.
Ugh! We’re supposed to hit the 70s on Thursday and Friday. Not to brag 😉
Brava! Warm weather and daffodils 😊