Sarah Thomas!
No, not me. One of those OTHER Sarah Thomases.
Which is still pretty dang cool. Someone with MY name is going to be the first woman to officiate at America’s biggest sporting event. That’s the way to take the name and make something of it!
It also explains why I publish my stories under Sarah Loudin Thomas. Turns out there are slightly less than a bazillion women named Sarah Thomas. Throw the Sara Thomases in there and you get more than a bazillion.
So just for fun here are a few others:
- Sarah Thomas, marathon swimmer – In 2017 she swam almost 105 miles in Lake Champlain (the world record). In 2019 she swam across the English Channel four times in 54 hours and 10 minutes.
- Sarah Thomas, nutritionist and model – She shot to fame at the age of 13 and gave it all up at 21 so she could lead a more normal life. Now married (Sarah Leo), she has a rugby player husband and two adorable children.
- Sarah Thomas, voice actor – This one lives in Texas where she has her own home studio and voices everything from video games to audio books. Hmmmmm.
- Sarah Thomas, professor – She’s an associate professor of Hispanic Studies at Brown. She’s also a literary translator–a Spanish version of The Right Kind of Fool anyone?
- Dr. Sarah Thomas, physician – Specializing in rheumatology, Sarah has been practicing in Indiana since 2001.
- Sarah Thomas, actress – Also, writer and producer. Her most recent movie is 2019’s A Call to Spy which she wrote and starred in.
- Sarah Thomas, sommelier – Not only is she a wine expert at Le Bernardin in NYC, but she’s also the “story-chef” for Kalamata’s Kitchen–a book designed to engage children in other cultures through food.
Okay, that’s enough. My take away is that ladies named Sarah Thomas have accomplished some pretty outstanding stuff! And, using Loudin to differentiate myself is a good idea. Lest I’m mistaken for a football-loving, wine-tasting, voice-acting model who swims REALLY well.