Bethlehem,Christmas,kings,Nativity,offerings,people,religion,special occasions,wise menThis weekend I’m preparing the children’s Christmas program for church. I don’t help much with VBS or other children’s activities during the year, but I make up for it by coordinating the Christmas program. In past years I’ve written a short play, but this year I purchased a script for a program that takes the place of a regular Sunday morning service just before Christmas. To give myself a little credit, I’m taking it apart and reworking it to better fit our children and the space we have to work in.
I LOVE doing this. Usually about the third rehearsal I love it less, but ultimately it fills me with the true spirit of Christmas. There’s nothing like kids at Christmas. And the very bast things are always the unexpected ones–angels falling off the stage, shepherds whacking each other with crooks, someone blurting out that they have to go to the bathroom in the middle of a scene. It’s the utter lack of pretension children bring to the most wonderful thing that ever happened to mankind.
Q4U – What are you looking forward to as Christmas approaches?