Like many authors, I have a “day job” in addition to writing. You know, at least until someone makes that blockbuster movie that rockets my books to the top of all the bestseller lists!

Of course, I also love my day job, so maybe I’ll do it anyway!

BLACK MOUNTAIN HOME FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH & FAMILIES – I’m a fundraiser for Black Mountain Home for Children–a ministry that serves abused, abandoned, and neglected children in western North Carolina. We help meet the needs of 150+ children each year and working for the children’s home can be both uplifting and heartbreaking. But at the end of the day it’s always rewarding. And TODAY, I’m inviting you to get in on feeling good about helping kids in need by doing something I trust you’ll love – BUYING BOOKS!

Our foster care staff sent us a list of resource materials they’d love to have on hand to help staff and foster families deal with some of the challenges they face in working with youth from incredibly difficult circumstances. Would YOU consider ordering one of these?? Just click through to the list below and process it on through so I can pass it along to help our kids.


You can send books to: Black Mountain Home for Children, 80 Lake Eden Road, Black Mountain, NC 28711

And if you just want to know more about this AMAZING ministry, check out to learn more.