My father and brother–some solid hero material here!
One of the great pleasures of writing books is inventing heroes. Instead of swooning over other writer’s leading men, I get to build my own.
The hero of The Sound of Rain releasing in just over a month, is Judd Markley. I was thinking the other day about just how much I like Judd. I might even go so far as to say he’s my favorite. Which led me down the rabbit trail of pondering which of my heroes I would actually want to fall in love with.
I realized, it wouldn’t be Judd. Here’s my hero lineup to this point–which one would you choose? Which one do you think I would?
- Robert Thornton – Appalachian Serenade – Robert is a more mature store owner who is clever about most things, but not very smooth when it comes to the ladies. He’s a bear of a man with dark hair.
- Casewell Phillips – Miracle in a Dry Season – Tall, redheaded with a beard in the beginning of the story (he shaves it midway). Casewell is a bit self-righteous, but once he decides to woo a woman, he comes at it with a definite plan of action. He’s a woodworker by trade.
- Henry Phillips – Until the Harvest. Oh Henry. He looks like a young Gregory Peck–a bit gangly but with promise. Initially he’s too wrapped up in his own problems to be any good to a woman, but he does get his act together. He’s a musician and farmer.
- Seth Markley – Brown hair, solid build, steady. Seth is level-headed and true–he works for the extension service (state farm management). He’s sweet and has a romantic streak, but won’t put up with any nonsense.
- Judd Markley – Tall, wiry, dark hair that tends to curl. He’s a man of few words, but once he makes his mind up to something, he’s committed 100%. Had a bit of a reputation for never settling on one lady in his younger days.
I think I would prefer one of your 2 Markleys. but not having read “their” book yet, I really can’ choose.
I’d pick Robert for you. Or maybe Hank Chapin from next year’s novella!
Where did I miss Casewell was a redhead?!? I imagined him with soft brown hair and beard. Good excuse for a reread, huh?
I think it’s only mentioned once–I picture his hair a soft, red/brown. He’s no carrot top! And rereads are the best compliment an author can get!
Yes-mahogany I can see
It has to be Casewell. He’s mine so far. <3 🙂
Well then I’m really sorry about Until the Harvest!