It’s been an eventful few weeks. I’ve been to three funerals. A friend was in a car accident that kept her out of work for two weeks. The son of another friend was in a horrible accident that may leave him paralyzed (then again, it may not–God can do anything). My next door neighbor’s father died in a far away town.
Do you ever feel like all the hard stuff is happening at once?
It’s made me think. I long to be a published author. I love writing and want so much to share my stories with other people. But how sad would it be if that’s the only way I shared with people? What if I just retreated behind my keyboard and hoped that eventually someone would read my book and be impacted?
It matters to me that I have a chance to write. It matters to me that an agent and an editor and a publishing house give me a chance. It matters to me that people eventually read my books. But here’s what really matters to me. People. People I know and love and people I haven’t met. People at church and people at work and people I’m related to. People.
I delivered some food to one of the families struggling right now. It wasn’t much. But as I pulled the door shut behind me, someone in the room said, “she’s so sweet.” And it was as if God gave me a little pat. Yes, He made me to love writing. But first He made me to love Him and to love people. Not in theory, but in action. That’s what really matters.
Go. Love someone with your actions.
Matthew 22:37-40 – Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Love this, Sarah!! And I agree ~ you are so sweet! Grateful our paths have crossed (twice!). Praying for you today!
Much love
Cindy 🙂
Thanks for the prayers! Same back atcha.
Oh how true this is! It is easy to sit behind a keyboard, whether you’re a future author working on your book or just an ‘average Joe’ on Facebook or Twitter, and talk, talk, talk all day long with your ‘cyber’ friends yet never do anything to really put yourself out there and care for others. Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE Facebook and Twitter and reading blogs – but oh what I would miss out on if I didn’t actually get out and interact with people right where I live. Your post today has been a great reminder after a rather ‘rough’ weekend for me. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Isn’t amazing how when you tell other people your troubles they can usually relate perfectly? So many people have let me know they’ve had similar tough times lately. Thanks for reaching out here!
Thank you, Sarah. I’ve had a rough couple of weeks, with family members very far away (different continent) having accidents and birthdays (both are difficult when you are far away), and a dear friend losing her sister. Since I can’t do much for them, at least physically, maybe I can do something concrete here.
I have a feeling you do something concrete there most every day!