
Turkey, pie, family tensions, shopping, Christmas decorations, time away from work, kids out of school . . . the next few days will encompass quite a bit. It’s SO easy to forget that in 1789 President George Washington declared the last Thursday in November to be “a day of public thanksgiving and prayer.”
Not a day to eat turkey. Not a day to gather with family. Not a day off from work. Not a day to rest up for Black Friday shopping. But a day of public thanksgiving and prayer.
Here’s my prayer of Thanksgiving:
Father, thank you for the innumerable blessings you have poured out in my life. Thank you for good work to do. Thank you for a family that is precious to me. Thank you for my husband and my marriage. Thank you for the friends who make my life richer. Thank you for the church that has become my chosen family. Thank you for the LOVE that flows through me and all the people you have placed in my life. I don’t deserve any of it. I’m grateful for all of it. Amen.
Happy Thanksgiving!