This photo is of a WV friend’s granddaughter. But she fits my idea of Gentry perfectly!
Once upon a time, when I signed a new contract, I’d get a serious looking packet in the mail with lots of legalese. Once satisfied, I’d sign the contract with my favorite pen and mail it back to the publisher for a countersignature.
These days, I get a digital packet to read through and electronically sign. Which makes it tough to take a fun “Signing my new contract” photo! I guess I could do a shot of my finger hitting ENTER on the keyboard. But it’s not the same.
All of which is to say . . . I’ve signed with Bethany House to write two more novels!
The first is slated to release in April 2024 and the second in 2025. I know, it feels like a long way off, but it takes me a minute to write one of these. In the meantime, here’s a peek at what the first novel is about:
BOOK #1 – Set in Asheville, NC, in the early nineteen hundreds (teens and twenties), the story follows Lorna, a gifted weaver working for Biltmore Estate Industries. There’s also her fiery, young apprentice, Gentry, and solid, dependable Arthur who heads up woodworking for BEI. The great flood of 1916 plays a significant role and while this is NOT a book about Biltmore Estate, the Vanderbilts and their amazing house and property won’t be left out! Oh, and Grove Park Inn gets some time on the page as well!
I worked for Biltmore Estate for six years in the public relations department, so it’s fun for me to revisit. I didn’t think I’d ever set a book at Biltmore since my Appalachian fiction focuses on the everyday folks in the region. But Biltmore Industries offers a fascinating way for me to have my cake and eat it too! I’m learning all about weaving, woodworking, and the dulcimer. Pray I don’t get pulled down too many rabbit holes . . .
Will eagerly look forward to it. Have been to Biltmore several times which makes your ‘take on things’ that much more interesting!!! Sure hope I’m still around as that would be a grand way to celebrate my 81st birthday — reading your book. Have fun with it.
I’ll send you a copy as a present!
I’ve been patiently waiting on this announcement! Knew it would take awhile especially w/your move & all that entails for sure. Always wanted to visit Biltmore but haven’t got there as yet 🙁 One thing I KNOW for sure,
it will be worth the wait!!! You just keep on GOING!!
Maybe I’ll do an Asheville book event and you can come to that AND visit Biltmore!!
It would be GREAT ..IF my health &
my Hubby w/Dementia would be up to the trip.
Great news to hear! I’ve been to the Biltmore five or six times over the years as we live only about an hour away. It’s an amazing place.
It IS amazing! I loved working there.
Looking forward to your new books. Love the picture of your friend’s granddaughter.
Isn’t it the sweetest thing?!?
Sounds interesting – hope I’m still around to read.
Yay! Congrats, Sarah!
Thank you!
Congrats! I remember your debut and look how far you have traveled on your author journey! Soon you’ll have as many as Jan Karon.
It has been quite the journey, hasn’t it??
They sound like delightful rabbit holes! Looking forward to following you as you lead uz through the path with a few holes included.
Chasing rabbits is SUCH fun!
Congratulations! Looking forward to your new book.
You’re on the list!
Miss you!
Can’t wait! Enjoyed the setting as character class I did with you. I have visited the Biltmore. Such an amazing place!
I love leading that class–thanks for attending! And man, Asheville is LOADED with place character!
Oh I cannot wait!! I have read all of your books and you are an amazing author. I live in Southwest Virginia and it’s so nice to be able to buy books written about our part of the world. The Appalachians are full of rich history. Congratulations!
I LOVE it when fellow Appalachian read my stories! Thanks for being excited with me 🙂