To DoI heard a wonderful sermon yesterday and just have to share this idea. So many of us make “To Do” lists. I’ve been known to write something on my list that I’d already done just so I could but a big check mark next to it. Love the feeling of marking all those to dos as done.
Well, what if I made a “To Be” list? Not what I plan to get done, but what I plan to become. Love it. So here’s a start.
I plan TO BE . . .

  • A published author reaching the world through Christian fiction.
  • An awesome employee working not for my boss, but for Christ.
  • A wonderful wife with a servant’s heart–no keeping accounts.
  • A loving daughter, sister and aunt to my family.
  • A generous friend who can be counted on.
  • Healthy–healthier? A person who doesn’t eat so many sweets.
  • A Christ follower ALL my life long!

There. A good start. Now, I think the trick is to print out this list and check it just as often as I check my to-do list. And while most of my to-bes are long-term items that aren’t ever finished, I can look at how I’m doing at the end of each day or each week. What steps have I taken toward publication? Am I giving my all at work? Have I let my husband, friends or family down lately?
Writing things down is powerful. How about you? What do you want to be?