So I was trying to parallel park in town the other day and it occurred to me that I approach publishing the same way I do parking in a tight spot on the side of the street. I often flub it, but I always go in thinking I’ll do it right.
I can parallel park, but I often over think it or get flustered midway through the maneuver and fail to execute it as perfectly as I had hoped. Luckily, when I was parking last week the curb was level with the street so I had some extra room ; )
Every time I send off a query or enter a contest or submit a proposal I think this is it. I think this will be the time everything goes perfectly. So what if I was halfway up on the curb or left my front fender sticking out in the street last time. So what if I had to give it up and circle the block again. This time I’m ready and everything will just click into place.
I think the trick to parallel parking as well as publishing is believing I will succeed. And if I don’t? Well shoot, I can always try again. This time I know I’ll get it right.