by Sarah Loudin Thomas | Dec 1, 2014 | Appalachian, Family, Food, Friends, Reading
When given the option, I tend to pick dates that have some significance for me. So, when my editor asked when I’d have book #3 for him to look at I picked . . . my birthday. So here it is, on the day I turn 43 I’m sending my latest manuscript off to my...
by Sarah Loudin Thomas | Oct 27, 2014 | Appalachian, Family, Waiting
When I was a kid, vacation meant time away from school. It meant a trip to the West Virginia State Fair or Sea World or the beach. It meant fun and freedom! When I was first married vacation meant time away with my man. It meant time to travel back home to see my...
by Sarah Loudin Thomas | Mar 8, 2013 | Family, Miracles, Poetry
I started down this road to writing books with characters who can perform Christ’s miracles because of the crystal clear memory I have of nearly drowning when I was four years old. It seems wonderful to me that I not only remember something that no one could...