
With mom at my aunt’s house. That’s Thistle on the right and my aunt’s dog, Carlyle, on the left. They LOVED each other.

It was a good Thanksgiving. I got to go see my family in WV and Thistle came along for the first time. I wasn’t too sure about all that traveling with a rowdy two-year-old pup. But my favorite bumper sticker sentiment proved true: “Don’t tell me not to worry. I worry about lots of things that never happen.”
So here’s what I’m thankful for in these post-Thanksgiving days:
-A traveling dog that charms everyone she meets. Especially the children.
-Parents who dote on me, spoil me, and generally make me feel loved.
-Safe travels. There were a few traffic clogs, but overall it’s been smooth sailing.
-A patient husband. He’s cute, too.
-Time in my favorite place–100 acres of family farm spread out over the rolling hills of central WV.
Here’s what I’m thankful for up ahead:
-Time to write again. It’s been on hold over the holiday and I’m itching to get back to it.
-Going back to work. Yeah, it’s work, but it’s such a wonderful ministry and the people I work with are amazing. I miss them.
-Routine. It’s funny, I sometimes feel like I’m in a rut, but when I get out? I miss it.
-Christmas! I won’t start decorating and playing holiday music until December 1, but that’s less than a week away.
-And speaking of December 1, it’s my birthday. And so far, I haven’t gotten old enough to stop loving my birthday!
So how about you? What are you thankful for past, present and future?