I took a day off on Monday just because I had some vacation time piled up. It turned out to be excellent timing with a gorgeous, 70+ degree day (our seasonal average is 50). So what to do with a whole day to myself?
Well, I wrote several scenes in book two. Read several writing blogs. I wrote this blog and one for Friday so I can just post them instead of trying to think of something at the last minute. I did a load of laundry and was tempted to dry the sheets outside. I did a little work-work, but only because I wanted to. I tidied up some flower beds (my Lenten roses are blooming and the crocuses are starting up). Swept the back deck and reminded myself it’s too early to put out the deck furniture. Ate a cupcake leftover from a children’s activity at church Sunday. Watched “Extraordinary Measures,” a very good movie that would have been better if God had gotten more of the credit. Had supper with my husband and watched some TV. Though a far cry from what I would have called “fun” when I was a kid, it was a nearly perfect day.
Q4U – What do you do when you have some “bonus” time? Do you feel like you have to fill it up–make good “use” of it? Or are you one of those amazing people who can relax and just enjoy it?
Ooooh what I wouldn’t give for some “found” time! One thing I DO do for myself is “blog ahead”: I have 2 months’ worth of blog posts already written, and I try to always write one or more each week, so I can stay ahead. This definitely takes the pressure off. 🙂
Yay Sarah, love to hear about ‘found opportunities’ to write. A to your Q: Definitely feel like I have to fill it up, which usually involves long walks with the dogs, exploring a new neighborhood, or being a tourist in the city like visiting the market and oogling at all the baked goods. Keep up the blog postings, looking forward to more.
Of course you would fill up the time! But those sound like excellent ways to do it. So glad you’re reading my blog! I’ll try to keep it entertaining ; )
Ahhh, I love those days! I like to fill mine up (I get sad at the end of the day if I don’t, feeling like I wasted the hours), but I try to do it with “work” that I enjoy – writing, reading, baking, gardening, maybe even catching up on a little DVR’d TV or the latest Netflix movie that has been collecting dust on my desk. Even doing bible college homework feels good, if it’s something I can check off the to-do list.
Oh, the dusty Netflix movies at our house! It’s so hard to find two hours we’re willing to give up to movie watching unless it’s something we REALLY want to see. Netflix is definitely making money on us . . .