I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. The idea of waiting until January 1 to start doing something I ought to be doing anyway is so arbitrary. If I need to start a new habit–what’s wrong with now?
That’s what I did a couple of years ago when the small voice that had been encouraging me to deepen and strengthen my time with God kept nagging.
So I began getting up a few minutes earlier to read a chapter of the Bible and pray. It’s not a resolution, it’s just something I thought I should do. And around day three, God took an opportunity to remind me that it’s something I should have been doing all along.
I was ensconced in my chair, Bible and journal open in my lap, lamp shining down on the Word. My husband walked by and stuck his head in the door.
“Are you okay?”
What a funny question. Yes, I assured him, I was fine.
“Are you sure? It’s just this is the sort of thing you do when something’s bothering you,” he said.
Ouch. My husband had seen me spend time with God before. When I was in crisis. His natural conclusion when he saw me delving into the word and praying was that I was struggling in some way. Did I say, ouch?
My challenge to you TODAY–regardless of the date–is to take stock of your world. Too much hurry and not enough peace? Bulging bags of pride, but rusty cans of humility? A habit that’s dragging you down? Whatever it is that needs changing, start today. Don’t wait for another day much less another year to dawn.
These days, my husband would find it strange if I didn’t spend a little quiet time with God each morning. And thankfully, so would I.