Sometimes we joke in Sunday School that you have to be careful what you pray for. God won’t just give you the quality, he’ll give you the chance to develop it.
C.S. Lewis cites pride as the great sin in Mere Christianity and it’s definitely one I struggle with. (Mom, Dad, it’s your fault for giving me such healthy self-esteem.) So I often pray for humility and God is often good to answer that prayer.
Not long ago I had a chance to connect with someone who could possibly advance my writing career. I was driving home dreaming big dreams and feeling incredibly blessed. In the midst of my euphoria, I tossed out a prayer for humility. As I pulled into the driveway, eager to share my excitement with my husband, I stopped. Something prevented me from pulling into the garage. Ah-ha. Our neighborhood bears had tipped the trash can and scattered trash across the drive.
So I got a fresh bag and crouched down in my fabulous heels and favorite sweater to clean up the mess. As I gathered teabags, plastic containers and food refuse (how many carrots did I peel?!), it occurred to me that I was doing some pretty humble work. Big time author to-be? Or trash collector?
God is my biggest fan. I’m so glad he knows what’s best for me and gives me what I need just when I need it. In this case a little encouragement followed by a gentle reminder to stay humble.
Matthew 23:11-12 –  The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.