GE DIGITAL CAMERAEach year I look forward to Lent and embarking on some sort of spiritual discipline leading up to Easter. Usually, I have my fast well in mind at least a few weeks before Ash Wednesday (March 1). But this year I’ve been waffling.

I wanted to come up with something meaningful and . . . let’s face it . . . clever. The year I added the fruit of the Spirit to my diet was wonderful and blog followers seemed to appreciate coming along on the journey.

But in 2017 . . . nothing jumped out for me. Until Sunday.

I was speaking at a church about an hour from home and the pastor preached on the 23rd Psalm. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . . .” The pastor said the word for want was a sort of gut-churning worry. Oh yeah, I know about that.

So there you have it. I’m giving up worry for Lent.

Which is hard. If I were giving up, say, chocolate, I’d know how to do that. Don’t eat chocolate. But how not to worry? I’m not sure, but I plan to give it a shot with Matthew 6:25-34 as my guidebook.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Step 1 – Don’t worry about how to give up worry for Lent.