
I got an early Christmas present this month when my publisher sent me the cover art for The Sound of Rain. As much as I’ve loved my previous covers, this one is hands down my favorite.

And I’m itching to show it to you, but I won’t. At least not yet.

The rule of thumb is to not unveil a new cover until the book is available for pre-order. So many new books are being released all the time. I’d hate to show you my gorgeous cover now and then, say in the spring, have it pop up and leave you feeling like it’s so last season.

And The Sound of Rain doesn’t actually release until November 2017. Talk about a long gestation period!

So, I made the cover my screensaver and I just sit and gaze at it, thinking about how it just keeps getting prettier.

Thomas_SoundofRain_Design11.inddEven so, I’m not above a little tease. Here’s a snippet from the cover. I’ll also tell you there’s a person on there–something my books don’t often have. When I first saw the image I was so delighted it took me a little while to realize the hair color didn’t match my heroine’s.

So I did what any author with an awesome cover would do. I changed the color of Larkin’s hair. Now give me your best guess. What was the original hair color and what did I change it to? If you guess correctly, I’ll add your name to my influencer list to receive an early copy of the book (up to the first five correct guesses).