So, generally speaking, you probably don’t walk up to strangers and say, “Can you tell me what you’d change about my clothes?” Or “How would you improve my personality?”
Well, it feels about the same to send the first chapter of my book out to a group of 200+ Christian writers who I am hoping will tell me what’s wrong with my writing. (And what’s right, but honestly, it’s what’s wrong that worries me!)
I’ve joined the American Christian Fiction Writers critique loop. I can submit up to two chapters of no more than 2,500 words each week and in turn am expected to critique two chapters for each one I submit. I sent my first chapter in yesterday. I’m eagerly/anxiously waiting to hear back.
There’s at least one person on the loop with whom I’m familiar via her blog. Everyone else is a stranger. But they’re all Christians and all in the same boat I am. I think this is going to be helpful, informative and quite possibly fun. I also think it’s going to make my book much better.
Q4U – Who’s opinion do you really–I mean really–trust?