
I joined Pinterest last week. And I’ve had to check myself so that I didn’t spend the whole weekend pinning things to my boards. I think many of you who read my blog are already enjoying Pinterest, so I won’t go into a lengthy explanation. Suffice it to say, this is about gathering your favorite things in one place to show other people.
When I first heard about this phenomenon, I thought it sounded like a waste of time. But then I read several blogs talking about how authors can use Pinterest to promote themselves. Well, self-promotion. Count me in! So I requested an invitation and received one. Shoot, half the people I know are already pinning away. And it’s FUN.
Not only can I pin frivilous things like all the places I want to visit before I die, I can also pin books that inspire my writing. I can pin book covers that give me ideas for what I’d like my cover to look like one of these days. I can pin photos of places in my books. I can pin photos of people who look like I imagine my characters do. I can create my whole novel world and share it with friends, family and potential readers. Oh, fun indeed!
Of course, I do need to limit myself. No need to pin a creative board for a novel if I’m spending all my time pinning rather than writing. But it’s a fantastic creative outlet. So check me out if you have a minute. And feel free to comment. I do love hearing what you think.
And remember. This is about pinning . . . not pining. That’s what I do when I’m having a down day.