
This is an older picture of Mama and her brood.

I’ve written before about the bears that live in our neighborhood. Mama’s three cubs are growing, but still have much of the roly, poly baby about them.
This evening I noticed Mama had come for her almost daily visit. She usually checks the bird feeder and if it’s empty, comes to sit on the back deck and gaze through the French doors longingly. (Sometimes I imagine she’s dreaming of a break from raising three kids.)
A few minutes later, I heard a thump and looked over to see just one furry foot as though Mama had decided to flop down and take a nap. Something she has done before. I walked over to see and what do you think?? She was nursing her cubs.
Picture this. A largish, female black bear flat on her back with three cubs busily suckling. She had her front legs curled around the backs of the two cubs closest to her. I could see the residue of milk and hear the rumbling sounds the cubs make. Oh my goodness.
I can write forever. I can read a thousand books. I will never capture or experience anything that comes close to what I just saw out the back door. God has given us wonders beyond imagining. Seeing those bears was a reminder that I should never forget to look up from my books and admire the most amazing manuscript ever written.
Hebrews 12:1b-2a – “. . . let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,  looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith . . .”