So I decided it was high time I did some cleaning out of my writing files. I have old versions of manuscripts, variations on queries, proposals for every opportunity. You know, computer files with the same name except for the 2, 3 or 4 tacked on the end. I know I don’t need to keep them ALL.
This turned out to be harder than I thought. What if that ancient first draft has something in it I want to save? So what if I’ve forgotten what it might be–surely I can keep it just in case! And what if I’m famous one day? My biographer would want every scrap of prose I’ve ever hit the save button on–right?
I managed to trash a few things and better organized what I’m keeping, but honestly, I should probably delete more than I did. It’s like so many things in life–hard to let go. I do the same thing with clothes. I move the old stuff to a guest closet and then eventually to a bag or box for Goodwill in that closet. After enough time has passed I move the bags and boxes to the trunk of my car and then usually donate them weeks later in a fit of pique because I’ve dragged my feet for so long!
Other junk I keep around that I should trash:
-old hurts and wrongs;
-unconfessed sin (oooh, some of that has been around long enough to be worth something by now);
-unforgiveness; and
So what do you say my friends? Time for some spring cleaning?
Oh, Sarah! You did it again. You made me think! Yes, I have been needing to clean my office for quite some time! (Not to mention move old papers to a burn pile, do some scrapbooking, dust around my desk and photos!)
And as for the other things you mentioned…Well, we should all take stock of those same items !
Great post!
Books I’ve had on the shelf for years and still haven’t gotten around to reading, excess weight on my knees, boxes and envelopes full of pictures (a lot of children that I don’t have a clue who are), old sins that God has assured me He has forgiven (but I still haven’t forgiven myself), dishes I never use, tableclothes I’ll probably never use but can’t resist at 75% off……
So my fondness for table linens is genetic then . . .