Ahhhh. Just imagine. Four days in the gorgeous mountains of Western North Carolina talking about writing, learning about writing and . . . well . . . writing! Did I mention those four days fall in October when the leaves are at their peak, the air is crisp, the sky is blue and anything seems possible?
I’m very much hoping I’ll be able to attend the Blue Ridge Autumn in the Mountains Christian Novelist Retreat October 14-17. Held at Ridgecrest Conference Center not far from Asheville, NC, this is an incredibly convenient event for me. And it starts the day after our biggest special event of the year at work. Which means I’ll NEED a retreat!
There’s a wonderful line-up of authors (Ken and Deborah Rainey, Ann Tatlock, Yvonne Lehman and others) and at least one agent (Ramon Richards–Abingdon Press) who are looking forward to sharing their expertise. If you’re a Christian author, would like to be a Christian author or are a non-Christian author who wants great advice from a lovely group of people, come to the mountains this October. I hope to see you there!
Okay, so this does sound tempting…I need to check how much it costs!
It’s around $600 if you stay on campus and about $300 if you don’t. Although I’d have to run it by my husband, I know of a nice guest bedroom you might could use about 10 miles from the campus . . .
So sweet of you, Sarah! I do think that’s out of the budget, and I’ve never been to a conference before, so it looks like I don’t qualify. Maybe I’ll keep aiming for the actual Blue Ridge Conf. next year. At which time, I hope I’ll meet you!