The many faces of creativity

I LOVE to write. Stories, poems, journal entries, letters–even blog posts 😉 It’s how I process the world around me . . . my life with its joys and struggles. Words help me makes sense of things. But sometimes I get stuck. Or in a rut. Or I just don’t...

Her Novel Collective

I have the privilege of being part of a Facebook group called Her Novel Collective and this week, I’m hosting the discussion! Here’s the scoop: Her Novel Collective has your next great read! If you enjoy engaging stories that connect us all, then here...

Celebrating Our Anniversary

My husband is a private guy. I like that about him. There’s a LOT I like about him, actually. This week we’re celebrating our 26th anniversary, which is more than a little astonishing. On one hand, it seems like we just met. On the other, I feel like...