by Sarah Loudin Thomas | Jan 24, 2022 | Friends, Reading, West Virginia
I recently got an email from Judi, a reader in Delaware who sent a copy of The Finder of Forgotten Things to her father since he’d married a woman from WV and spends half his year there. They all enjoyed the story so much, she ended up sending copies to five...
by Sarah Loudin Thomas | Nov 16, 2021 | books, Friends, Reading, Writing
My husband loves my new book. He might have even cried a little at the end. Which is pretty much all the praise I need for this story! And yet . . . I’m deeply grateful to everyone who’s taken the time to read early copies. And more than a little proud of...
by Sarah Loudin Thomas | Jun 14, 2021 | Dreams, Friends, Waiting
A friend of mine is living with a terminal diagnosis right now. And what is she doing with her last days? Building a tree house. She always wanted one. Has long meant to build a grown-up version. But she just never got around to it. Which has got me thinking about...
by Sarah Loudin Thomas | Dec 17, 2020 | books, Friends
If you read Monday’s post about my fabulous bookcase you may have noticed an extra special shelf at the top right. That would be my Appalachian novels shelf. Yup, a whole shelf just for books I’ve written! This is astonishing to me. I mean, there’s...
by Sarah Loudin Thomas | Dec 10, 2020 | Appalachian, books, Friends
I’m excited to be part of a fun, Appalachian author event this evening with Ann Gabhart and Cindy Sproles. We’ll be joining you from Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina (although West Virginia is in my heart!) to talk about our latest stories, our...
by Sarah Loudin Thomas | Nov 30, 2020 | books, Friends
Are you overwhelmed? If you’re like me, you spend at least some of your time overwhelmed. It’s 2020, after all! I recently encountered a health issue. Inconsistent test results tossed me around like a roller coaster ride and left me feeling overwhelmed. Thankfully,...