
are Organics(1)I love my latest book’s release date. Why? Well, just look at it–all ones and sevens. Maybe it’s because Dad’s a math teacher, but for whatever reason, it pleases my eye.

At any rate, my fourth full-length novel, The Sound of Rain, will release next Tuesday. A handful of folks already have their copies and there are a couple of good reviews out (RT Book Reviews and Library Journal). The first one-star review is still out there in the future somewhere.

It’s weirdly wonderful to release a novel. A combination of pride and fear. I know the book is pretty good–it must be or Bethany House wouldn’t have put it out there. Still . . . doubts creep in and I want everyone to love the book as much as I do.

Which is, of course, impossible. Everyone didn’t write it, didn’t conjure up Judd from real-life family heroes or Larkin from favorite southern ideals. But maybe, just maybe, some folks will like it. And maybe, just maybe, it will touch a heart here and there and remind someone that change–although hard–is often God’s way of shaping us into what he had in mind in the first place.

The book starts in the WV hills and quickly moves to the coast of SC, then sends Judd and Larkin to eastern KY where coal is king and life is hard. I hope you’ll journey with them. And I hope you’ll enjoy the trip as much as I have.