Fall is my favorite time of year. And as I get out and take Thistle for walks, or write with the windows open, I’m definitely seeing signs that it’s right around the corner. Now that it’s September, I thought I’d take a moment to list some of my favorite blessings of autumn in Appalachia:

  • Cool, crisp air that makes me want to breathe deep and turn my eyes to the sky.
  • That brilliant, blue sky!
  • Gorgeously colored leaves standing in sharp contrast to the expanse of blue.
  • Those leaves that land on the sidewalk and leave rusty outlines behind.
  • Building a fire–in the fireplace inside (okay, we have gas logs, but there’s a REAL fireplace at the farm!) or the firepit outside.
  • Scuffling through crunchy, crackly leaves. Maybe even jumping into a pile of them! (Although I’m no longer a fan of bits of leaves in my underwear.)
  • Apples! Apple pies, applesauce, apple chutney, apple cider . . .
  • Goldenrod, joe pye weed, ironweed, and asters growing along dusty roads.
  • Milkweed pods send seeds floating through the air.
  • Finally being able to wear sweaters again. (Next spring, I’ll be glad to finally put the sweaters away, but let’s live in the moment!)
  • Trading the lawn mower for the rake. (Ummmm–my husband trading the lawn mower for the rake.)
  • Pumpkins and mums everywhere!

I could go on–and on and on! What’s your favorite thing about fall?