laundryWhen I was a kid, being assigned to hang wet laundry on the clothes line was NOT my favorite task. I didn’t much appreciate bringing it in when dry, either. Especially since that meant I’d be folding all that stuff.

But now, I long for a clothes line. Towels dried in the sun are more absorbent. Sheets smell better. And t-shirts are crisper. Blue jeans . . . well . . . honestly they aren’t much good dried on the line getting all stiff and rough. But still, I miss those fresh sheets!

While at the farm recently I caught my brother using the same clothes line I’d hung many a wet item of laundry upon. It’s funny, the things we covet.

I find clothes lines so iconic, I even wrote a poem about one. Enjoy. And as summer rolls over us, see if you can’t find a way to dry your sheets in the sun.


There’s a line stretched between posts
like telephone poles or almost crosses.
Sheets, an under-shirt, a cotton dress
flutter in the breeze, flags announcing
a man, a woman, a bed.