launch drinkWhile my latest story technically releases tomorrow, we held the launch party for it at Sassafras on Sutton–a wonderful bookstore in Black Mountain, NC–yesterday.

While I regularly speak in front of groups ranging from 10 to 200 for my job, talking about MY book to a group including MY friends is  a whole other kettle of fish.

At events like this I don’t get nervous about speaking but I do wonder if people will come. Will they enjoy themselves? Will they buy books? Are people just humoring me?!? (Or worse, NOT humoring me!)

But when I stood up in front of the groups and started sharing about Thurmond, WV, and this latest story (which I LOVE) all of those doubts melted away and I just had a really good time. And people DID buy books. And if they were humoring me at least it also benefited a really great local business.

PLUS, Carson, one of the store employees invented a drink just for my launch. Check out the sign pictured–yes, she drew a train on the board! I had one and it was delicious. An apple spice herbal tea sweetened with a froth of whole milk. Yum!

I’ll get to give my launch talk again at the Upshur County Public Library in my hometown of Buckhannon, WV, on Thursday, November 21, at 5:30 p.m. If you live in that area I hope you’ll come make it as much fun as this first one!