
Mountain Mama BoxI have ARRIVED as an author.

Is it a NY Times bestseller? A movie deal? An endorsement from West Virginian Jennifer Garner (still holding out for that one!)?

Nope. It’s seeing my most recent novel included in one of WV Magazine’s Loving Local gift boxes. The magazine (think Southern Living just for West Virginia) offers a variety of gift boxes: A Taste of WV, Home Among the Hills, holiday boxes, and now . . . The Mountain Mama box perfect for Mother’s Day! Especially since it includes a copy of The Right Kind of Fool!

There’s also salted caramel popcorn, a candle, bath salts, a bracelet, and more goodies all made in my home state. I may have to send one of these to my own mother! (And then snitch the WV-shaped floral key chain.) She can always re-gift the book since she already has a copy 😉

I love that the magazine is celebrating the wonderful products made in and inspired by West Virginia. I still think it’s the best place in the world and I’m excited to be part of one more way of celebrating how wonderful it is!

Click on the image or this LINK to learn more or order your box today (limited quantities!). Hmmm. Maybe Jennifer will send one to HER mom!