
Me in a sleeping capIt’s true. I’ve read–in several places–that the way to engage folks on your Facebook author page is with pictures. Having recently set-up just such a page, I decided to test this hypothesis.
Most of the posts on my page thus far have been links to this blog. Because it’s  a new page, those posts average 20-some views each with a handful of likes, shares and comments. Then, last week, I posted two photos. The one shown here of my at around eight years of age wearing my Little House on the Prairie sleeping cap and one of me NOW wearing a similar sleeping cap my mom sent as a joke. (You’ll have to check out my author page if you want to see that!).
I got 163 views and comments from my second grade teacher and grade school principal, neither of whom were existing Facebook friends. So that would be an 800% increase in traffic. I’m thinking that’s well worth digging out an old photo and donning a sleeping cap.
More photos appearing soon!