I had a stroke last Friday.
It’s pretty surreal to type those words and part of me would prefer to just move on as though nothing happened. But even as I type, the loss of sensation in my left hand makes it all too clear something did.
It was a baby stroke, but still.
I suspect this is the sort of life event that will continue to echo its lessons for a long, long time. I’m not going to try to sort all that out today.
But here’s one thing I do know. Love goes a long, long way.
First, there were the first responders. I didn’t get the fireman’s name, but Teri came in the ambulance and a gentleman who’s name started with S made me laugh on the way to the hospital. Then there were David, Anne, and Dr. Phyllis in the ER. They smiled and laughed and put me at ease. I tried to use big words and share complex thoughts to prove just how fine I was. David allowed as how he knew what I was up to 😉
When I went for my MRI and CT scan, I was a little nervous–mostly about all that dye they were about to shoot through me. Anne stayed with me a moment and asked if I was a woman of faith. I assured her I was and she prayed with me.
Whit and John got me through my first two tests. Whit asked me why I had come to the hospital and, still hoping it wasn’t a stroke, I laughed and said, “I just fell out.” He laughed, too, and said he’d write, “Done fell out” on the form.
Then I got shifted to a new cubicle where Keith was the man who kept us posted about what was going on. Dr. Seth, the neurologist, came by and confirmed that I did, indeed, have a stroke (two actually). But small. There was a second CT scan with the two sweet girls whose names started with K.
Finally in a room, I met my nurse Leah and CNA Kim. Leah didn’t know exactly what would happen, but she was SO patient to sit down and go over possibilities and questions with us. In the morning, I met the day shift–nurse Renee and CNA Jake. Renee called me “love,” and Jake showed me pictures of his beautiful children.
More tests on Saturday. Chrissy did my EEG and gave me a rocking new hairstyle. She said I have great Alpha waves, thank you very much. I hate that I didn’t get the name of the echocardiogram lady, but she was lovely, too. Finally, Vickie checked my legs for blood clots. Lois tidied my room, chatting about the weather and spring flowers the whole time.
There were others, too.
All this to say . . . from the moment I first “fell out” until I got to go home on Sunday afternoon I was surrounded by people who probably thought they were just doing their jobs. But they did them with love, good humor, compassion, and kindness.
I know some are Christians. The rest may or may not be, but I have the feeling none of them would have needed to ask Jesus who he meant when he said, “Love your neighbor.”
A good example for us all.
P.S. Except for the numbness in my left hand, I don’t seem to have an lasting ill effects. We’re calling this escapade a blessing disguised as a medical emergency.
Dear Sarah, we’re so glad these were “baby ” strokes! And that you’re home with minimal issues. As I write, we are driving to Hopkins to start treatment in earnest. Thank you for the reminder to be mindful of all the people at the hospital who show God’s mercy to all of us patients every day. I am going to be careful to learn their names. With love, Buffy
Every time I felt like getting whiny about being in the hospital I thought about you and your upcoming stay. As Mike Wilson would say, it gave me a little perspective! Prayers will be winging your way every day. Love, Sarah
You’ve dispelled any concerns I had about you writing skills! 🙂 I hope you take this “week off” to enjoy all the blessings of spring and the love EVERYone has for you. I did enjoy me farm walk with an inquisitive little girl wearing new rain boots who reminded me of those days so long ago when I walked that road with you. Take care and I love you.
Did you have concerns? 😉
Wish we could take that walk today!
Glad to hear you’re doing better and that these were only “baby strokes.” Sending prayers and healing thoughts from West Virginia!
Do WV prayers count double? I think maybe they do!
How frightening! So glad it’s minimum in impact. I pray for a full recovery and that there be no more episodes. Take care!
There’s nothing like not having any idea what’s happening to keep you from freaking out! Thank you SO much for the prayers.
Very scary. I’m so glad you are okay. You are so young for that. My cousin’s best friend had a mini-stroke a few years back. She’d been having her neck popped real often by a chiropractor, and they blamed that on the stroke. Isn’t that bizarre. Who knows? Anyway, I’m praying for you. Take care of yourself and get lots of rest, sweet girl. xoxo
I have afib, so we knew there was a slight risk. I always focused on that word, “slight!”
Blessings and continued prayers being sent your way!
Thank you, sweet lady!
Hello Sarah, We are glad you are home and happy to read that you were with people who cared for you as a child of God. Prayers for you from Erie CO.
I’m just amazed at all the prayers! Thanks for getting CO in the game!
So thankful that your “episodes” didn’t do more damage. It can be scary when your body turns on you. Thank you for sharing this experience with us. Glad that you can share your insights still. Blessings to you.
Yes, and I’m fond of imagining that I’m way more in control than I am. Thanks goodness Someone bigger and smarter than me, is!
Love being sent to you Sarah ~ to write names down to remember all of them individually! Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House
I’m usually not good with names. I figured I was remembering them for a reason!
I’m glad you were well taken care of. Please take good care of yourself and let others help when needed.
I’m so fortunate to have had good help all my life! Thanks for being among them.
I’m glad to hear of this after you are home and on the mend….. but what a sweet observation that many of us have experienced (the kindness of medical staff) but have not put names to them.Thank you for sharing this blessing.
Love writes a person’s name on your heart!
Dear friend, I am so sorry. You are so young. Praying they will give insight and medication if need be for underlying cause. You have too much left to do.😊
Thanks, Diane. The medicine should do the trick!
Sarah, I am one of the Christians who, along with your Mother, is a part of the Belington HCBC Outpost and you are and have been in all of our prayers. May God lay his healing hands on you and bless
you a healthy body.
I SO appreciate your prayers! Thank you!